
Are you still waiting to receive your share of the ARP stimulus funds provided to child care?

Fellow NCCA Board Members, State Association Leaders, and Fellow Advocates:

Please note the link in this email that provides you with the NCCA newsletter going out later today or tomorrow. While all of you should receive it in your email I understand some of you are still not getting it.  This newsletter provides some important information regarding the status of ARP funds by state. The information included can be helpful to you as you advocate for getting providers in your state their share of the ARP funds that the federal legislators intended for them. Let me know if any of you find it helpful.

Happy Friday!

Cindy Lehnhoff
NCCA Director

If you are still waiting, you are far from alone.  Unfortunately over half of the states have yet to provide any or most of these funds to their childcare providers.  As you may recall the American Rescue Plan that was passed in March of this year provided $39B to help childcare. $15B of it was added to the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) and the other $24B was set aside to help stabilize the child care infrastructure. The Administration of Child and Family Services provided states the following information which encouraged them to use their additional CCDBG money for the following purposes:

  • Prioritize using the funds to raise subsidy payment rates
  • Increase child care workforce compensation
  • Take bold steps to support children’s development needs, choices for parents and increased access to assistance for families.
